We are having a great week here in room C-2.  I am blessed to have such wonderful parent volunteers!  Thank you for making this week and our Holiday Party a fun one that we will remember!  Your generosity is unexpected and very appreciated!

We are looking forward to a relaxing PJ day tomorrow.   We will read stories, do some Reading Street, a little math, and watch a movie.  What a way to round out a fun filled week.

Thanks again for each all of you do to help your child be the best that they can!  :)
Merry C
Hello!  I hope that you have all survived our first snow day and are getting used to this colder weather.  Here in Kindergarten we are struggling with becoming independent.  Please practice putting on snow gear with your child.  Zippers and gloves seem to be a big struggle for them.  Also, over your holiday break, practice tieing shoes.  This is a skill we have been working on, but extra practice at home will certainly help reinforce those skills.

In reading we are learning the short /i/ sound.  like in igloo, pig, and is.  Help your child to recognize these sounds by saying words that have them in it and having them clap or give you a thumbs up if you hear it.  A great way to spend a car ride for 5 minutes or at the grocery store, or at home before bed. 

We are also working on measuring in Math.  Today we looked at our feet to see how we could measure them.  Look around your house and ask your child to find things shorter than ______________ or longer than ____________. 

In science we have been working on our five senses.  On Thursday we will be making a touch hand to show how things can feel different.  Ask your child to describe things around your house using words that would describe the item using their senses.

Have a Great night and I will chat wit